
About IBA

Who We Are

At IBA (Income Based Approval), we’re not just a car financing platform—we’re a movement redefining access to car ownership. Your income is your strength, and we make it the key to unlocking your dreams.

We bring together motivated buyers and trusted vendors to create opportunities that transform lives.
Whether it’s getting your first car, upgrading your ride, or helping dealerships thrive, IBA is here to pave the way forward.

What We Do

For Buyers

Your car, your future—made possible with Income Based Approval.
No credit history? No problem. We focus on what matters: your steady income.
With IBA, you’ll not only get the car you need but also build a stronger financial foundation along the way.

For Vendors

At IBA, we’re dedicated to helping dealerships grow and succeed.
By connecting you with ready-to-buy customers, we make expanding your sales easier than ever.
With our platform, you gain access to a loyal and motivated customer base while standing out in a competitive market.

Our Mission

"To bridge the gap between opportunity and success for buyers and vendors."

We believe car ownership is more than just transportation—it’s about freedom, empowerment, and a better future.
Our mission is to provide the tools, support, and connections that drive progress for everyone we serve.

Why Choose IBA?

For Buyers

  • No Credit Barriers: Your income is your approval.
  • Trusted Network: Access a wide selection of reliable vendors.
  • Financial Growth: Build your credit while driving your dream car.

For Vendors

  • Ready-to-Buy Leads: Connect with serious buyers eager to purchase.
  • Increased Visibility: Stand out in the market with tailored solutions.
  • Scalable Growth: Boost your sales and grow your business effortlessly.

Our Values

  • Empowerment: Creating opportunities for growth, one car at a time.
  • Transparency: Clear and honest processes for buyers and vendors.
  • Community: Building strong, trusted relationships that last.

Join the IBA Movement

Whether you’re ready to hit the road in your next car or take your dealership to the next level, IBA is your partner in success.

Let’s drive your future together—start your journey with IBA today.